Finding the right school for your child is important, especially when there are so many options. There are 18 schools within 15 miles of the Mariposa community that provide a diversity of excellent education choices for families, from public to private to charter.
Additionally, the schools in New Mexico are graded on an A-F rating scale every year to determine the effectiveness of the school. Within the Rio Rancho area there are 12 highly-ranked schools that all provide tremendous opportunities for your child.
Note: No one can recommend the perfect school for your child. We know that each child has specific interests and talents, so this list simply provides a variety of high-ranking schools for parents to consider. Nearly all are “A” schools based on the 2017-18 assessment.
Sandoval Community of Bilingual Education
Sandoval Community is the first dual-language charter school in the Rio Rancho area. The mission of the school is to provide an education fully in the Spanish and English languages to produce biliterate students. Currently the school offers classes for kindergarten through sixth grade, but each year they add two classes for the next grade to serve through eighth grade. Students attending Sandoval start fully immersive in the Spanish language and then eventually become proficient enough to use each language for 50 percent of the time in the classroom. The founders of the school were encouraged to begin this program because one in five people in Rio Rancho speak another language other than English in their homes.
Grades: K-6 currently, eventually K-8
Location: 4321 Fulcrum Way NE Suite A, Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 9 miles
Sandia Vista Elementary School
Sandia Vista Elementary School is a part of the New Mexico Public Education System, serving students from grades kindergarten through fifth grade. This school provides different opportunities for education such as the option to enroll your student in the Montessori styled classrooms. There are also classes offered for students who are accelerated learners. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in physical education and music courses.
Grades: K-5
Location: 6800 Franklin Rd. N.E. Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 9.7 miles
Enchanted Hills Elementary School
Enchanted Hills Elementary school is a busy school, home to kindergarteners through fifth graders. There are many opportunities for students and parents to become involved. Offering student clubs ranging from student council, the Mustang chorale and Young Marines for students, every child is sure to find something that will match their interests. For parents, there are opportunities to become involved with the parent teacher associations.
Grades: K- 5
Location: 5400 Obregon Blvd. Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 10.2 miles
Rio Rancho Middle School
The school is home to sixth through eighth graders of Rio Rancho. At Rio Rancho Middle School, core classes are offered for the students but they will also find classes such as robotics, band, dance, orchestra, art and physical education. For students who are accelerated learners there are classes tailored to their needs through the Cross Cats program. If your student is interested in playing school sports, they will also find opportunities here.
Grades: 6-8
Location: 1600 Loma Colorado Blvd. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 10.8 miles
Mountain View Middle School
Mountain View Middle School provides education and extracurricular activities for sixth through eighth graders. Students will find a wide selection of opportunities that can be tailored to their educational goals. Classes such as Spanish, orchestra, band and robotics are offered and student clubs such as yearbook and technology. The school offers special classes for accelerated learners.
Grades: 6-8
Location: 4101 Montreal Loop NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 7.8 miles
Rio Rancho Cyber Academy
Rio Rancho Cyber Academy provides a unique experience for your student that you may have not thought was possible. This school aims to provide an environment of blended learning, between practical, in-person education and virtual learning. Students can tailor their education, allowing the opportunity to learn time management and to be responsible for their own learning.
Grades: 6-12
Location: 1330 Jackie Rd. SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Distance from Mariposa: 12.7 Miles
V. Sue Cleveland High School
At V. Sue Cleveland students will be able to take the required courses needed to graduate while also tailoring their high school experience. There are clubs in every interest available to the students such as JROTC, Skills USA and Best Buddies. Students have the opportunity to earn a bilingual biliteracy seal on their diplomas. There are also always fun activities put on by the student council like prom, pep assemblies and sporting events.
Grades: 9-12
Location: 4800 Laban Road NE Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87144
Distance from Mariposa: 5.6 miles
Paradise Christian School
Paradise Christian School is a private school that provides education for kindergarteners to seniors in high school. Students here are able to gain an education while also practicing religious beliefs. There are many opportunities for extracurricular activities such as playing on a sports team or being a part of student conventions.
Grades: K-12
Location: 6013 Paradise Blvd. N.W. Albuquerque, NM 87114
Distance from Mariposa: 14.3 miles
Looking for a new home or custom home site near Albuquerque? Nestled among the foothills of Rio Rancho, Mariposa is a master-planned community situated just 30 minutes north of Albuquerque. Mariposa is designed for living naturally and offers a fully-equipped fitness center, resort-style indoor and outdoor pools, parks, sports courts, miles of trails and abundant open space, and endless views at the Mariposa Preserve and surrounding mountains. Learn more at
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