These adorable “Love Bug” Flowers will be sure to brighten up your sweetheart’s day! Pair them with our Love Bug and Alphabet Banner print outs for a lovely event!
Download the Love Bug Flowers Here!
White construction paper
White glue or clear tape
Start by printing out the desired “Love Bug”, “Hello Sunshine” and “True Love” circles; these will be the flower centers. Print 12 large petals and 12
small petals on white construction paper. There are two colors of petals attached, so have fun mixing and matching to make unique flowers!
Cut out all petals and flower centers.
Fold each petal in half length-wise. Open them up; this makes a subtle center “V” crease in the petal. As an option, using a blunt scissor edge or
similar, one can choose to curl the
petal tips (about half way up the petal length) upward and/or downward— a variety of both.
Cut out a plain cardboard circle about 6″ or 6.5″ across. (Trace a small plate, it does not have to be perfect.) Using the cardboard as your base, tape,
style or glue the large petals evenly around the circle.
Then attach the small petals, staggering them around the large petals.
Place the flower center on top of the layers of petals and glue securely.
To string it, flip it over and punch two holes in the back cardboard circle to run your banner twine, ribbon or string through.
That’s it!
These flowers can be used to decorate any surface. Secure them to a wall, window, or door using tape. Or, add to your banner, as described above.
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